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Awakening to Languages


Aeby, S., & De Pietro, JF. (2003). When teacher and students interact. Towards an analysis model for the construction of knowledge in the classroom. In Tupin, F. (Coord.) On the effectiveness of teaching practices? The files of educational sciences, n ° 10-2003, Toulouse, PUM., Pp. 93-108.

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Armand, F. Dagenais, D. & Nicollin, L. (2008). The linguistic dimension of intercultural issues: from Awakening to languages to plurilingual education. In Mc Andrew, M. (dir.), “Ethnic relations and education: national and international perspectives”, Revue Éducation et Francophonie, XXXVI (1), pp. 44-64. (Available online at )

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Armand, F., Sirois, F., & Ababou, S. (2007). Enter the written word and awaken to linguistic diversity in preschool (in a multiethnic and disadvantaged environment). In S. Lucchini and A. Maravelaki (eds.), School language, linguistic diversity and interculturality (p 13-25). Brussels: Editions Modulaires Européennes.

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