Awakening to Languages Worldwilde
EOLE, Education et ouverture aux langues à l'école - Switzerland, Romandy
This website offers a wide variety of awakening to languages materials for primary school (ages 2 to + 6), and secondary school (grades 7 to 9). It has been divided into four collections:
EOLE, Education et ouverture aux langues à l'école. Volume 1 and 2, two books published in 2003. The first volume contains 16 activities aimed at the primary level education (1H to 4H) while volume 2 includes 19 activities for the grades 5-8. Online and paper support available: access the website *available in French
EOLE ET PATOIS (EOLE and dialect): 35 awakening to languages activities aimed at helping students discover the richness of heritage languages, the Gallo-Romanesque family especially. All of the activities from the book published in 2012 are available online. Online and paper support available: access the website *available in French
EOLE, texts and language forms consists of 8 pedagogical units that analyses the forms of different languages by comparing it to other languages - didactic “du detour” - articulated to textual genres. The various aspects of how the language works are sometimes studied looking at phonology, grapho-phonology, lexical, and syntactic or textual.Numerous languages are explored in different units, and have been chosen according to the possibilities they offer to help students become aware of the various dimensions of a language.
Online : access the website *available in French
EOLE online : These 8 online EOLE activities allows teachers and school authorities alike to consider the linguistic and cultural diversity of all classrooms.They offer "didactic tools" serving both integrative and cognitive purposes and reaching all students, whether they be monolingual or plurilingual, Francophone or Allophone. For primary grade levels (levels 2 to +6) as well as secondary grade levels (levels 7 to 9). Flash activities: do not work on iPad.
Online : access the website *available in French
ELODIL, Eveil au language et ouverture à la diversité linguistique - Canada, Québec et Ontario
The ELODiL website offers pre-school and elementary school teachers an innovative program that allows students to develop a number of intercultural skills through activities that focus on Language Awakening, and encourages openness to linguistic diversity. With the help of these activities, students gain competence in areas such as global citizenship, and further develop intellectual, methodological, personal, social and communication (written and oral) skills.
Access the Website for ELODIL in Québec
The ELODIL project is in development in Ontario
Les langues du monde au quotidien (Languages of the world in daily life) - France
Series of three books covering all of preschool (kindergarten) and elementary education, led by Martine Kervran. (Paper support):
Cycle 1 - Les langues du monde au quotidien - cycle 1 - une approche interculturelle
Cycle 2 - Les langues du monde au quotidien – cycle 2 - une approche interculturelle
Cycle 3 - Les langues du monde au quotidien – cycle 3 - Une approche interculturelle
La porta oberta de les llengues – Spain
Catalan website for Language Awakening.
KIESEL materials – awakening to languages in Austria
Series of booklets with materials on awakening to language for elementary school ( ages 8-12 years old), written in German. Recently, new booklets have been added to help broaden the perspective regarding the didactic of plurilingualism. Online and paper support available
The Language Investigator – England
This site aims to respond to the challenges of introducing different languages into the primary school curriculum.
Pedagogical materials in dutch from the Foyer association - Brussel, Belgium
Meer dan één taalbeschouwing. - Een lessenpakket over talen, meertaligheid en taaldiversiteit. H. Leon, H. De Smedt & W. Schrauwen, Nascholing Brussel en Regionaal Integratiecentrum Foyer, Students from 10 to 14 years old. Paper support
Talen op een Kier : Talensensibilisering voor het basisonderwijs, Jonckheere, S., De Doncker, H., De Smedt, H., Mechelen : Plantyn, Students from 5 to 12 years old. Paper support
Buitengewoon Talig, Jonckheere, S. & Civetta, P, Regionaal Integratiecentrum Foyer, Free online materials for vocational students. Access Website
Didactic materials from the FREPA database (A framework of reference for pluralistic approaches to languages and cultures, ECML, Council of Europe)
This database contains many awakening to languages materials for various levels and in a wide variety of languages. The resources are selected according to the criteria chosen by the user and are available free of charge. Users who have created their own materials can offer to share them on the database (please contact Ildikó Lőrincz). Access the website
Der Sprachenfächer - Germany
Collection of awakening to languages material for elementary and early secondary school students (N.B.: primary school generally lasts for 4 years in Germany). (Paper support available). Two publishers: http://www.fillibach.de/de/material.html & http://www.cornelsen.de/lehrkraefte/reihe/r-6617/ra/titel
Comparons nos langues - France
Auger, N. (2005), Comparons nos langues, is a process to support the learning of French among newly arrived children (ENA), Nathalie Auger. CNDP editions, multimedia training resources collection, manufacturing: CRDP Languedoc-Roussillon, CDDP du Gard, DVD (26 MN), pedagogical Guide, 15 pages. (Paper and video support available). Access Website
Sacs d'histoires – Switzerland (Romandy)
Children can bring home "story bags" containing bilingual stories (in French and in the family’s language) and games related to these stories, in hopes to encourage children to love books.
Access Website (*Website in French )
L'éveil aux langues en Communauté française de Belgique – Belgique (Wallonie-Bruxelles)
Pilot project from 2003 to 2005
Poliglotto – Sprachen in Europa - Germany and Italy
Resources that aim to integrate the european linguistic plurality into the education system, in particular by taking into account minority languages and less dominant languages. Online and paper support available
Ouverture aux langues à l'école : vers des compétences plurilingues et pluriculturelles - Luxembourg.
(Openness to languages in schools: towards plurilingual and pluricultural competences. Luxembourg)
Theoretical and didactic reflections, practical activities. Krier (Mr.), Perregaux (ch.) & Tonnar (ch.) (2010), Ministry of education of Luxembourg. Online and paper support *available in French
Eveil aux langues en chansons - Communauté française de Belgique
(Awakening to languages in songs. French community from Belgium)
This ensemble consists of a disc containing songs from artists of various origins residing in Belgium. The disc is accompanied by a pedagogical dossier that includes interpretations of the lyrics, activities related to the songs, and unique expressions from each language. For primary schools of the French community.
Access Website (*available in French)
Below are some testimonials of the first Websites dedicated to Awakening to Languages materials
Ja-Ling - European Center for Modern Languages
The project "Ja-Ling" ("Janua Linguarum", "The Door of Languages" based on the title of a book by Comenius) aims for the dissemination and the integration of educational activities that are linguistically and culturally diverse into the curriculum. The levels of education being covered range from Kindergarten to secondary education
Ja-Ling - Germany
This website offers avenues to reflect on Awakening to Languages projects and presents some pedagogical materials.