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Fourth EDiLiC Aveiro Congress (Portugal),  July 16-18, 2012

Awakening to languages and didactics. Research, education and training practices  


This 4th international EDiLiC congress wished to better understand the role played by awakening to languages in the more general framework of plural education, its contribution to the discourse of language didactics, as well as to discourse on education in general. .

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Description of the theme of the congress

Ten years after the first steps of the EDiLiC Association and in a context of the emergence of several didactic approaches and approaches in connection with the teaching of languages and cultures, the time had come to take stock of the knowledge produced. in the field of awakening to languages, in particular on its modes of registration in the field of language teaching (DL).

The 4th international EDiLiC congress was therefore an opportunity to present this report in order to better understand the role that Awakening to languages plays today in the more general framework of plural education, its contribution to the discourse of language teaching. , as well as to discourse on education in general.

Beyond the speeches, the delegates also wondered about teaching practices, as well as the evolution of language education policies and research policies.

While seeking to understand the paths of knowledge construction taken by researchers who have worked in recent years in the field of Awakening to Languages in different fields (educational practices, including didactic tools; initial and in-service training of teachers; the speeches of researchers), we questioned ourselves more broadly about the role that awakening to languages can play, which highlights the existence of linguistic and cultural diversity, in the emergence of '' Language Didactics involved in the establishment of inclusive education and characterized by an ethic of living together.

In connection with this questioning, the conferences, round tables, communications, symposiums, posters and workshops were structured around the following axes  :


Axis 1- Awakening to languages, research and methodological approaches

Research in DL (language teaching) has taken new paths in recent years: is there a specificity in the work around awakening to languages? If so, what is this specificity in the wider field of DL? Are the challenges of awakening to languages, plurilingualism and pluralistic approaches to languages?  reconfiguring DL? What does the research tell us about this? What knowledge have we built? What are the objectives of research in this area? What are the actors ? What are the disciplines, theories and the leading authors called upon by research in awakening to languages? What subjects of study does the research on awakening to languages focus? And with what types of methodologies? What data is collected? With which collection instruments and which analysis procedures? And what are the results obtained? How are the effects of teaching / learning focused on language awakening activities measured?

What are the spaces for the publication, circulation and dissemination of knowledge in the Awakening to Languages research?


Axis 2 - Awakening to languages and educational practices

Didactics, considered as a praxeological discipline, presupposes a discourse linked to curricular practices. What is the contribution of awakening to languages in the perception and construction of the school curriculum? What are the curricular practices in the field of awakening to languages? With what projects and intervention systems in the field? What are the practical conditions for awakening to languages in a school context?

What are the possible strategies for integrating the awakening to languages into the curricula? What do classroom practices tell us about the relationship between languages and other school subjects? How are plurilingual curricular arrangements designed? What types of teaching aids do we have? What audiences are they aimed at?

How do language awakening practices use ICT? What types of activities are designed and developed?  What types of knowledge do language awakening practices focus on? What is the role of subjects who teach and learn in this type of practice? What languages or varieties of languages are preferred? And with what educational objectives?


Axis 3 - Awakening to languages and training practices (initial and / or continuing)

The formative dimension of didactics also concerns teacher training practices. What is the place of awakening to languages in the curricula of initial and in-service teacher training? With what purposes? And with what activities? According to which models? What are the main challenges, tensions, constraints, obstacles in this field of intervention? What is the contribution of ICT in training for awakening to languages? With what methodologies and training tools?

What is the profile of the trainers within the framework of awakening to languages?

How to maintain collaborative networks between teachers and between teachers and researchers within the framework of awakening to languages?

What is the contribution of research carried out in the area of awakening to languages? 

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