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Educative plurilingual/multicultural websites

Collection of tales from various French-speaking countries: France, Haiti, Mali, Mauritania and Senegal. Each tale is told in French and in the local language. An educational sheet is also offered to teachers. To date, two tales are also available in animated form.

Children's dictionary: The site, in English, offers various multilingual supports: dictionary (for children with images or for adults), tales and novels (sometimes with the reading of these works) in 36 languages, including Japanese, French , English, Russian, Dutch ..., Bescherelle-conjugation, quotes from famous authors ...


The site offers words and expressions translated into different languages. For the first 13 words / expressions, the translation is offered in more than one hundred languages. For the rest, the list is not exhaustive. Some forums are in French but the site is presented in English. It is however possible to obtain the translation in Spanish and French but the page is different and it is less easy to find the translated words.


This site presents the translation of 16 common travel words or expressions (hello, yes, no, thank you, what's your name? ...) into several hundred languages.


Offers translations of 7 common themes (basic words, time, shopping / eating ...) in more than 50 languages. The site is presented in English but it is possible to search for a translation in the language spoken / desired by the user of the page.


European site which provides online articles from European newspapers (Der Spiegel, Eleftheros Typos ...) and offers translations in 10 languages.

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