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Pluralistic Approaches

Auger, N. (2009a), Awareness of the place and role of imaginaries in language learning: a necessary passage for the future language teacher, in, F. Dervin and E. Suomela-Salmi, For a didactic of imaginaries in the teaching-learning of foreign languages, coll. Langue et parole, L'Harmattan, 219 pages. pp. 59-73.

Auger, N., F. Dervin and E. Suomela-Salmi (2009), Pour une didactique des imagina + ires in the teaching-learning of foreign languages, coll. Langue et parole, L'Harmattan, 219 pages.

Auger, N., V. Louis (2009) “The CEFR and the intercultural dimension of teaching-learning FFL: what possible tasks? »(Coord. E. Rosen), French in the world, research and applications: the action-oriented perspective and the task-based approach in language classes, number 45.

Auger, N., J. Sauvage (2009), “Mutism in kindergarten”, in Cahiers Pédagogiques, CRAP éditions.

Auger, N. (2008) "The role of representations in the school integration of allophone children" in Immigration, School and didactics of French under the direction of Jean-Louis Chiss, collection "Languages and didactics", Didier, Paris: Didier , pp. 187-230.

Auger, N. (2008b) “The reception and schooling of children newly arrived in France” in Francophonie, minorities and pedagogy, Dalley, P. and S. Roy (dir), Ottawa, Les Presses de l'Université d ' Ottawa, 45-64.

Auger, N. (2008c), “From an ethnographic methodology to the transformation of classroom practices: the case of migrant pupils in France” in Budach G., Erfurt J., Kunkel M., Ecoles plurilingues-multilingual schools: Konzepte , Institutionen und Akteure, Berlin: Peter Lang, Sprache, Mehrsprachigkeit und sozialer Wandel, pp. 235-249.

Auger, N. (2008d), “Let's compare our languages: an empowerment tool so as not to forget one's plurilingualism” in Conscience du plurilinguisme, Candelier M., Ioannitou G., Omer D. and Vasseur MT., Presses Universitaires de Rennes , p. 185-199.

Auger, N. (2008f) “Promoting plurilingualism to help the school and social integration of newly arrived students (ENA)” in School integration and social integration of newcomers (Castellotti V. and Huver E., dir.), n ° 11, January 2008.

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Auger, N., Pierra, G. (2008), Language arts and migrant audiences, ELA, n ° 147, 248 pages.

Auge, N. (2007a), The language manual: an object of intercultural construction, European Modular Editions, Belgium, 250 pages.

Auger, N. (2007b), “Elements of reflection on methodological practices in French as a second language”, French as a second language: an evolving concept and practices, (M. Verdelhan dir.), Perspectives en education et formation collection, REF 2005 (International Network for Research in Education and Training: Belgium, Canada, France, Switzerland) 2008, De Boeck and Larcier, pp. 169-178.

Auger, N. (2007d), “Teaching native languages and learning French: towards a pedagogy of inclusion” in French today “teaching native languages”, September 2007, n ° 6800, Paris: A. Colin, p.79-88.

Auger, N. (2007e) “Teaching and learning French in France”, in VEI: the challenges of learning the French language, n ° 157 (December 2007), Scéren CNDP, pp. 121-126.

Auger, N. (2007h), “Exceeding representations”, in Cahiers Pédagogiques, Studying the language, May 2007, n ° 453, CRAP éditions, p. 46-47.

Auger, N. (2007i), “A possible intercultural teaching for newly arrived children” in School language, linguistic diversity and interculturality, S. Lucchini and A. Maravelaki (ed), ed. EME, IRIS, acts What didactics of interculturality in the new teaching-learning contexts of FLE / S, colloquium of Louvain-la-Neuve, Catholic University of Louvain, from January 20 to 22, 2005, p.91-111 .

Auger, N. (2006c), “Intercultural language education in France”, 13th International Conference, Greek applied Linguistics association on New directions in Applied linguistics, Greece, Thessaloniki, 11-14 December 2003, pp. 434-441.

Auger, N. (2006e), “Intercultural approaches: a possible counterweight to xenophobic representations” in C. Voulgaridis (dir.), Teaching French today, issues and perspectives in States General of the Francophonie, acts of 5th Panhellenic Congress of French Teachers, Athens, 2-5 December 2004, p. 179-191.

Auger, N., & CLERC, S. (2006) “Representations of Hispanicness in French pupils: observation and urgency of an intercultural pedagogy”, Proceedings of the conference La cultura del otro: espanol en Francia ,, frances en Espana, Universidad de Sevilla, November 29-December 2, 2005, Spain, Mr. Bruna Cuevas, MG. caballos Bejano, I. Illanes Ortega, C. Ramirez Gomez, A. Raventos Barange (eds), CDRom publication and online at the site [ ], p. 980-992.

Auger, N., V. Louis and I. Bellu (2006) “Training language teachers for interculturality, meeting audiences”, Belgium, coll. EME, Iris, 269 pages.

Auger, N., G. Pierra, (2006). Edition of Traverses n ° 8 of the works of Allems (language arts in foreign languages, mother and second), Language arts, which cross-functionalities, Lacis, University Press of Montpellier, 120 pages.

Auger, N., Sauvage J. (2006) “Phonological awareness and FSL learning in CLIN” in. 8th International ALA Congress, Plurilingualism and linguistic awareness: what links? University of Le Mans, July 2006. Electronic edition on the Internet.

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Auger, N., Terrades, O. (2005). “The schooling of newly arrived or multilingual children: a possible remedy: the teacher's posture” in J. Gabry, A. Moreau, C. Teninges, “School, languages and modes of thought”, coll. Benchmarks for action, series “disciplines: promoting educational innovations”, Scéren, CRDP Académie de Créteil, p. 149-160.

Auger, N. (2005b), “Constructive misunderstandings in cultural language teaching” in G. Bacha, G. Laroux, A. Séoud (ed.), Presses Internationales de la Faculté des Lettres de Sousse (Tunisia), official editions of the Tunisian Republic, proceedings of the colloquium Le misentendu, from April 15 to 17, 2004, pp. 285-292.

Billiez, J. (Dir.) (1998). From language teaching to multilingualism teaching - Homage to Louise Dabène, Grenoble: CDL Lidilem.

Blanchet, P., Moore, D. & Assalah-Rahal, S. (eds.) (2008). Perspectives for contextualized language teaching. Editions of the Contemporary Archives and AUF, Paris.

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Candelier, M. (2008). “Plural, didactic approaches to plurilingualism: the same and the other”, Cahiers de ACEDLE, 5, 65-90. [ ]

Candelier, M., Ioannitou, G., Omer, D. & Vasseur, M.-T. (Dir.) (2008), Conscience du plurilinguisme - Practices, representations and interventions. Rennes: PUR.

Candelier M. (coord.), Camilleri-Grima A., Castellotti V., De Pietro JF, Lörincz I., Meissner FJ, Molinier, M., Noguerol A., Schröder-Sura A., Through languages and cultures. Reference framework for pluralistic approaches to languages and cultures, Graz, European Center for Modern Languages, 2007. [ ]

Castellotti, V. (2006). A plural and integrated conception of the teaching of languages, principles, methods, perspectives. In Macaire, D. (Coord.) Les cahiers de l'Acedle n ° 2, Proceedings of the 2005 Acedle colloquium Research in language teaching, pp. 319 -331 [available online at the address ]

Castellotti, V., & Moore, D. (2006). “Plurilingual experience path and reflective awareness  : the European language portfolio for college ”. In M. Molinié (ed.) Language biography and plurilingual learning. Le Français dans le Monde / research and applications, 39, 54-68.

Castellotti, V., & Moore, D. (2005). “European language portfolios: plurilingual tools for a shared educational culture”. Benchmarks, 29, 167-183.

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Castellotti, V. (2001): “For a plurilingual perspective on language learning and teaching”, From one language to others, practices and representations, Rouen, PUR, Dyalang collection, pp. 9-37.

Cenoz, J., Hufeisen, B. & Jessner, U. (eds.), Cross-linguistic Influence in Third Language Acquisition: Psycholinguistic Perspectives. Clevedon, Multilingual Matters, 2001.

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Clerc, S. (2008) "The tale in the reception class, support for the development of linguistic, discursive, referential and socio-cultural skills", in Demougin, F. (ed.) Tréma n ° 30 Cultural approach to the teaching of French, IUFM de Montpellier, pp. 19-29.

Clerc, S. (2008) “From the representations of family languages to their inclusion in the school system” in Daunay, B., Delcambre, I. and Reuter, Y. (coord.) From teaching French to primary school, Repères n ° 38, pp. 187-198.

Clerc, S., Cortier, C. (2008). “From the analysis of language practices and representations of languages in plurilingual students to their inclusion in the school environment”, in Candelier, M., Ioannitou, Omer, D. & Vasseur, MT (dir.) Conscience plurilingualism: practices, representations and interventions. Ed. Presses Universitaires de Rennes. pp. 151-165.

Clerc, S., & Rispail, M. (2008) “Training in the languages and languages of others, a challenge? », In M. Baurens and G. Martino (dir.) ELA n ° 151 Languages-cultures in primary school: what diversity for what consistency ?, pp. 277-292.

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Cook, VJ. (1993). Wholistic multi-competence - mind game or paradigm shift? In Kettemann, B. & Wieden, W. (Eds.) Current Issues in European Second Language Acquisition Research, Tübingen, Narr, pp. 3-9.

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