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Anexo 3

Portugal-Galiza Internal Regulation
Annex 3 of the internal regulations adopted by the General Assembly of Rennes on July 10, 2014


A Secção Transfronteiriça Portugal-Galiza da Associação EDiLiC (Education and Linguistic and Cultural Diversity) tem o seguinte nome Educação para a diversidade linguística e cultural - EduDiLC


This secção tem por finalidade congregar esforços, em Portugal e na Galiza, que permitam perseguir os objects definidos no artigo 2º des estatutos da Associação EDILIC. Assim, a Secção tem por missão divulgar, em Portugal e na Galiza, as informações relativas atividade da Associação, mobilizando os meios disponibilizados para o efeito, tal como espresso no Artigo 4º dos estatutos da Associação Edilic.


These members of the EduDiLC Section are all members of the Edilic Association who exercise professional activity in Portugal and/or Galicia. Our members of the secção participate in the decision-making process relating to their responsibilities, activities and financing.

The activities of the EduDiLC section are coordinated by a committee of 3 to 5 members. A fully integrated commission is a president, a secretary, a secretary, responsible for the management of financial resources. Pode ter um/uma or ought/duas vice-presidents. A representative of the Comissão no seio da Associação Internacional Edilic will be feita pelo/a presidente and/or vice-president(s).

Democratic function

A meeting of the Assembly of members of the EduDiLC Section, in person and/or remotely, must take place at the time of the meeting of the Assembly of members of the EduDiLC Association, in person and/or remotely, where it must be carried out a long time before the realization of the International Congress of the Edilic Association.

O/a president can be dismissed by expressly formulated by a quarto of members of the Secção and directed to/or president of the Secção and with copy to/or President of the Association Edilic. In this case, it must be realized that the new thing must be done after a short time, in the meeting of the assembly of members of the Secção, expressly reunited to be effective.

The meeting must agree on the business relationship and the financial relationship of the Comissão that is coordinated by the Secção.

A Comissão consulted our members by electronic mail or by other means to make decisions on important issues relating to their activity.

As you meet at the Commission, you will be able to do so by means of electronics.

For other conditions relating to the operation of the Section, please refer to our Edilic Association status.

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