Copenhagen - From june 28 to June 3, 2023
The 10th International Conference of the Association EDiLiC will take place in Denmark, Copenhagen. The conference will be a forum for dialogue between all those engaged in research and practice in plurilingual education, pluricultural education, Content and Language Integrated Learning, and the intersections between these fields, with a particular focus on spaces of transitions, continuity, and disruptions across educational levels and learning contexts.
Five sub-themes and questions will set the context for the submission of proposals. All sub-themes cover the fields of plurilingual education, pluricultural education, and Content and LanguageIntegrated Learning.
They are structured based on a specific level of investigation, going from the nano, micro, meso, and macro level to the supra level.
Sub-theme 1 – the individual learner (nano level)
This sub-theme looks at spaces of transitions, continuity, and disruptions across educational levels and learning contexts from the perspective of individual experiences of learning from early childhood to adulthood, and lifelong (autonomous) personal development. Among others, these are some of the possible guiding questions:
How do individual learners experience transitions and progression in plurilingual education, pluricultural education, and/or Content and Language Integrated Learning?
What kind of disruptions are they faced with?
How do individual learners feel their home languages are taken into account in preprimary, primary, secondary, and tertiary education?
What kind of affordances do they encounter for their plurilingual and pluricultural repertoire in the labor market?
How do they experience navigating between their home language(s) and the language(s) of schooling?
How do they experience the interplay between formal and informal educational contexts?
Sub-theme 2 – the class, the group, the teaching sequence, the teacher (micro level)
This sub-theme looks at spaces of transitions, continuity, and disruptions across educational levels and learning contexts at the micro level. How are these spaces taken into account by language educators and teachers of other subjects, in learning/teaching resources and in learning assessment? Among others, these are some of the possible guiding questions:
How do teachers and learning/teaching resources in formal and informal educational contexts plan for transitions and progression in plurilingual education, pluricultural education, and/or Content and Language Integrated Learning?
What kind of disruptions become manifest in classroom studies and teaching resources analyses?
How do teachers and teaching resources in preprimary, primary, secondary, and tertiary education draw on learners’ linguistic repertoires and repertoires of knowledge?
How do teachers and teaching resources build bridges between plurilingual education, pluriculturaleducation, and/or Content and Language Integrated Learning, and the labor market?
How are evaluations/tests for plurilingual education, pluricultural education, and/or Content and Language Integrated Learning designed by teachers?
Sub-theme 3 – the institutions, e.g., kindergarten, schools, universities (meso level)
This sub-theme looks at spaces of transitions, continuity, and disruptions across educational levels and learning contexts at the meso level. How are these spaces taken into account by institutions? Among others, these are some of the possible guiding questions:
How do institutions plan for transitions and progression in order to support plurilingual education, pluricultural education, and/or Content and Language Integrated Learning?
How are transitions interpreted, conceptualized, negotiated and (re)constructed in/by schools and other educational institutions?
What dialogues exist between formal and non-formal contexts (schools, home, local partners, cultural institutions…)?
What kind of disruptions are linked to institutional transitions?
How do institutions unfold physical spaces for learners’ linguistic repertoires, how do they build bridges tothe labor market, and how do they adjust the national curriculum to match the specific profile of their school?
How do institutions develop collaborations with institutions representing other educational levels in order to support transitions?
Sub-theme 4 – educational system, state, region (macro level)
This sub-theme looks at spaces of transitions, continuity, and disruptions across educational levels andlearning contexts at the macro level. How are these spaces taken into account by the national or regional education system?
Among others, these are some of the possible guiding questions:
How do regional and national curricula plan for transitions and progression in plurilingual education, pluricultural education, and/or Content and Language Integrated Learning?
What kind of disruptions become manifest in curricula and language education policy analyses?
How do regional and national policy- and curriculum-makers draw on learners’ linguistic repertoiresand repertoires of knowledge in preprimary, primary, secondary, and tertiary education?
How is plurilingual education, pluricultural education, and/or Content and Language Integrated Learning taken into account in teacher education?
How do regional and national curricula build bridges between plurilingual education, pluriculturaleducation, and/or Content and Language Integrated Learning, and the labor market?
How are national evaluations/tests for plurilingual education, pluricultural education, and/or Content and Language Integrated Learning designed?
Sub-theme 5 – international, comparative perspectives (supra level)
This sub-theme looks at spaces of transitions, continuity, and disruptions across educational levels andlearning contexts at the supra level. How are these spaces taken into account by international reference instruments and in international comparative studies?
Among others, these are some of the possible guiding questions:
How do the tables of descriptors across the curriculum, developed by the FREPA project, conceptualizeprogression in plurilingual and intercultural education? How can they contribute to building bridges between different levels of education, and how are they used?
How does the CEFR and the CEFR Companion volume conceptualize progression in plurilingual and pluricultural education? How can they contribute to building bridges between different levels of education, and how are they used?
How is continuity taken into account in the Recommendation on the importance of plurilingual and intercultural education for democratic culture, published recently by the Council of Europe, and how can the Recommendation be used in a national, regional and institutional context?
How do these international reference instruments build bridges between plurilingual education,pluricultural education, and/or Content and Language Integrated Learning, and the labor market, and how do they integrate home languages?
How can spaces of transitions, continuity, and disruptions in plurilingual education, pluricultural education, and/orContent and Language Integrated Learning be compared internationally within and outside Europe?
More details will be provided during the summer. Access the call for papers.
Important dates:
Deadline for submissions: 1 November 2022
Final decision on papers: 10 December 2022
Final program on conference website: 1 February 2023
Deadline for registration: 1 May 2023