Title 1
8th EDILIC Congress, Lisbon
Terms of participation and submission
The EDILIC association supports its members!
In line with its policy of development and support for its members, the EDILIC association will offer up to 5 scholarships, for a maximum amount of 200 euros each to support the participation of delegates whose communication will have been accepted during the 8th EDILIC congress in Lisbon from July 11 to 13, 2019.
EDILIC members can apply for a scholarship in one of the following three categories:
1. Long-standing members of the Edilic association (as a continuous member for at least 5 years, ie since 2014) (2 scholarships available).
2. Student- doctoral student members of the Edilic association. The diploma obtained must not be effective before the end of the congress. Proof of their student status must be attached to the application along with a letter of support from the professor concerned. (2 scholarships).
3. EDILIC members residing in one of the countries designated by the European Association for Educational Research as low GDP countries and other countries, as shown in the expanded list below (see fact sheet in the countries concerned) (1 stock exchange).
The place of residence will be determined by the postal address currently registered on the list of EDILIC members.
Low GDP countries are:
- Africa - all countries except Equatorial Guinea and Seychelles;
- America - all countries except Canada, the United States of America, St. Kills and Nevis and Trinidad and Tobago;
- Asia - all countries except Bahrain, Brunei Darussalam, Hong Kong SAR, Israel, Japan, Republic of Korea, Kuwait, Macao, Malaysia, Oman, Qatar, Singapore, Taiwan, UAE;
- Australasia / Oceania - all countries except Australia and New Zealand;
- Europe - Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, FYR of Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Turkey and Ukraine.
Funding is provided in the form of a scholarship. No one will receive more than 200 euros, but smaller sums may be allocated. The Scholarships Committee reserves the right not to award scholarships in a category and to consider awarding any sum of money left after the award of scholarships in these three categories to the next candidate on the list and according to the needs.
Please note that a scholarship application submitted by a person who was not a member during the 2017-2018 period will not be accepted. If a person received support at the previous congress, they will not have priority over other requests.
The scholarship candidates can be the main author or the co-author of the intervention. Only one person can be subsidized per intervention-communication.
Applications for scholarships will be accepted after confirmation from the organizers of the acceptance of the communication proposal (the email confirming this must be attached to the application).
There is no guarantee that these scholarships will be awarded at future conferences.
For the application to be valid, applicants must complete a form that is available here . If a candidate has been a member for less than 5 years or is a candidate as a student, the name and contact details of a university reference person are required.
Students are requested to provide a letter of recommendation from a teacher in the faculty concerned or from their research director.
Decisions of the Scholarship Committee will be based entirely on the information provided by applicants in their application form.
For the procedure:
filing of the request for the March 31, 2019 to the EDILIC email address edilicmail@gmail.com before midnight and committee response for April 5, 2019.